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Sailability Hong Kong - Making Sailing Accessible to EVERYONE

Founded in 2009 and with our official opening day in 2010, 'Sailability Hong Kong Limited' was formed to provide the opportunity for anyone irrespective of ability, age, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation or from low socio economic backgrounds / under represented areas of our community.  Whether aged 7 or 90+, we believe that sailing increases communication, self-confidence, independence, responsibility and self-esteem whilst learning and having fun.

Our programmes have evolved to accommodate anyone wishing to sail irrespective of the many life challenges we now witness within our community. Sailor and volunteer numbers are rising each year as we engage with more areas of the community and offer the opportunity to sail with us. We are now conducting in excess of 5,000 individual sailing lessons, weather permitting, each year. 


From November 2009 to the end of December 2024 our individual sailing numbers reached  28,206 of which 17,100 were sailors with disability. Our other sailors come from additional under represented areas of our Hong Kong community as mentioned above.

In line with World Sailing's Strategic Plan we continue to develop our programmes, engage with more people, offering structured/certified courses and/or recreational fun sailing for; the hearing and visually impaired, people with spinal injuries, brain injuries, muscular dystrophy and mental wellness groups etc. In addition, we are now offering programs for seniors, our ethnic community and those on low income - many of whom never thought this would be possible.

As our programs continue to make an impact we work towards promoting the life changes we see as we 'make sailing; a therapeutic, inclusive and accessible sport available to EVERYONE'.

 At Sailability Hong Kong

we don't say 'NO'

we don't say 'CAN'T'

we make things 'HAPPEN'

Why not invest in what we do and a become a monthly donor from HK$100 per month. Monthly donations make such as difference and help us to plan ahead in all we do.  You can help us as we change lives through our therapeutic sailing programmes. Just click on the donate button - it's easy!

You can also  donate your time/expertise as a volunteer to enhance our sailing programs, build up our 'Support a Sailor' program and become part of our Sailability Family.
It's a 'Two Way Street' - giving and receiving in all we do.




At Sailability HK we offer our sailors the support they need to face

and conquer the many life challenges facing so many people today as

they may experience on and off the water training.  

We make things happen whatever their status within our community

with our fleet of boats which offers sailing at all levels.  You may even

train yourself or support someone to progress to sail in  local,

regional and international competition.  We work hard and we aim

high to make people's dreams happen.  


Our qualified bi and tri-lingual Coaches, Instructors and volunteers 

support our sailors to get on the water safely, teach them to sail

and/or enjoy a waterborne experience  - hopefully to start a new

way of life.


Sailing is one of the few sports, in which able bodied sailors and

disabled sailors can take part on equal terms. We offer a inclusive

and accessible



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'Making sailing accessible to EVERYONE'

Come and see what we do 'Seeing is Believing'


Sailability HK is #MORE than sailing as we continue to change the lives of our sailors, their families, our staff and volunteers


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